Directory listing

Listing files from a folder. Depending on the approach different performance will be obtained. This can be important when working with folders that contains 100,000 or millions of files.

Enumerating files using Get-ChildItem

Using the built in Powershell command Get-ChildItem. Gets a list of FileInfo objects.

Get-ChildItem $sourceFolder -File | ForEach-Object {

Enumerating files using IO.Directory EnumerateFiles

Using the .net IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(). Returns a list of String Paths.

[IO.Directory]::EnumerateFiles($sourceFolder) | ForEach-Object {

Enumerating files using Get-ChildItem in to a list

Using the built in Powershell command Get-ChildItem, and then adding to a list. Essentially the same as just Get-ChildItem. Written to be effort compatible with the IO.Directory EnumerateFiles in to a list.

$alist = [System.Collections.Arraylist]::New()
$blist = [System.Collections.Arraylist]::New()
Get-ChildItem $sourceFolder -File | ForEach-Object{

Enumerating files using IO.Directory EnumerateFiles in to a list

Using the .net IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(). Then using the path to get the FileInfo object for each item.

$alist = [System.Collections.Arraylist]::New()
$blist = [System.Collections.Arraylist]::New()
[IO.Directory]::EnumerateFiles($sourceFolder) | ForEach-Object {
    $item = (get-item $_)
    $alist.Add($item )


Results for 10000 files

Enumerate Get-ChildItem             00:00:00.4965621
Enumerate IO.Directory              00:00:00.0848703
Enumerate Get-ChildItem add to list 00:00:00.5317326
Enumerate IO.Directory with getitem 00:00:02.2512939

Results for 125000 files

Enumerate Get-ChildItem             00:00:07.3086162
Enumerate IO.Directory              00:00:01.3865644
Enumerate Get-ChildItem add to list 00:00:06.8382729
Enumerate IO.Directory with getitem 00:00:35.4594388

IO.Directory is faster than Get-ChildItem. Get-ChildItem however gets you a list of FileItems, which have properties such as CreatedDate, and Length. Using IO.Directory and then running Get-Item on each item is slower than Get-ChildItem.

If all that is needed is the file path this seems the be the fastest way to get the list. If details from the FileInfo are needed (say grouping by date) Get-ChildItem appears faster.