Connector - osVAC

This connector is compatible with the osVAC system that is a project that was initiated by Hobbyhimmel: The Fusion360 design for the osVAC neo was created by odul from

Collection of osVAC adapters (32mm) on Thingiverse:


There are 4 adapters that are supported.

Adapters Desc
osVAC M32 vacuum_hose_adapter osvacm32
This is produces the original male osVAC adapter where the internal diameter of the adapter is 32mm, it fits in to the osVAC F32 adapter
osVAC Male vacuum_hose_adapter osvacm
This is the osVAC neo style male adapter where the internal diameter is configurable, set via the adapters diameter. Setting to 32 produces the same result as the osVAC M32. Its compatible with osVAC Female with the same diameter
osVAC F32 vacuum_hose_adapter osvacf32
This is produces the original female osVAC adapter where the internal diameter of the adapter is 32mm. It will fit with osVAC M32
osVAC Female vacuum_hose_adapter osvacf
This is the osVAC neo style female adapter where the internal diameter is configurable, set via the adapters diameter. Setting to 32 produces the same result as the osVAC F32. Its compatible with osVAC Male with the same diameter.